Saturday, 21 December 2013

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment” Oprah Winfrey (Open Blog - To me from me with love x)

(To me from me with love!)  This is an open blog to me from me!

Dear Wendy

There is no denying the last six months have been difficult but we are finally at the end of stage one ‘The Chemo stage’.
We know that together we have abused our body for the past 30 years, however, it really has held up this last six months when the demon side effects of chemo have ravished us. The only people who understand what we have been through are the fellow cancer sufferers going through chemotherapy.  There are many and we wish those of you that are in the same position or who have family sufferers all the best for health and happiness in 2014.

What can we say Wendy that we haven’t already about phase one?  Eight rounds of chemo, on a three week cycle that has taken us six months to complete.  Six months of an up- hill struggle, a battle Wendy that we have tried hard to hide from family and friends for fear of watching them suffer but have failed miserably on occasions knowing they were there to pick us up at our worst despairing moments.  

The way to look at phase one ‘Chemo’ is that you need to view it as the fuel to propel you into phase two, it’s necessary fuel that allows you to get from A to B, but, it is also the most debilitating fuel that drags you down and stalls your engine numerous times before you get to you next destination.  Wendy we cannot describe fully the immediate after effects of each three week cycle of chemo from the nausea that we went through, the painful headaches from wearing the cold cap, the pin cushion feeling from the many veins that collapsed along the way, the painful aches and flu like symptoms or the exhaustion we felt, but,Wendy we did it.  

We have relied heavily on Joanne who has witnessed it all first hand, giving up her life and moving in with us, sharing our worst moments, always there to pick us up, watch us cry, make us laugh and help us move on.  
Wendy, we have never been emotional, we are more of a ‘chin up’, move forward and get on with it sort of girl, yet there have been so many moments over the past six months that sadness has got the better of us and we have felt oh so broken.   Somewhere though our inner strength takes over and we hold our head high and we slowly, ever so slowly continue to move forward.

Sometimes the stupid things have bothered us.  We have kept our hair but lost all our eyelashes which makes our eyes stream constantly and gives us a weird hooded look that is unattractive and odd, that along with the moon face we have developed from all of the steroids and the weight gain, which we definitely did not need has added to our plight and although these things are all cosmetic which in the grand scheme of things are totally unimportant, they have just added to the overall consuming effects the ‘Bastard Cancer’ has taken from us.     

We are about to head into Phase Two– Mastectomy week commencing 6th January,  followed by five weeks of intensive radiotherapy every day.   Wendy this is it, this is the phase that will rid us of the evil presence of the ‘Bastard Cancer’.  Yes, it will ravish our body, yes, it will be painful, yes, it will be devastating, but, like the many other strong women that have had it before us we will wear the scars and the mutilation of our body with pride knowing we will conquer this terrible disease that affects so many.  We feel strangely vulnerable now that the chemo has stopped as bad as it was it kept the ‘Bastard Cancer’ away. 

Our way of coping as always is to bring out our sense of humor, think of the many new bra’s we will be able to buy, the fact that we will no doubt lose a fair amount of weight in one go (they weigh a ton!) We therefore will win slimmer of the week at least one more time at Slimmer’s World, (Is that cheating!)  To be fair we did win it last week with our breasts still firmly attached!

Christmas is a few days away, we are having a quiet one with Joanne, Sydney Biddly and Roxy Boo, nothing too grandeur,  It will be a time for us to reflect on the positive things the future holds, the many friends and family who have supported us in our battle, a time of rest, a time of recuperating.
For all of our rantings and our sadness over the past six months we have made it, we are proud, we, that is me and my ravished body are ready so BRING IT ON!

We have tried to be honest in writing our blog, sometimes it has been hard, but we have been truthful and honest to the way we have felt along the path of phase one.

We wish those that have taken the time to read our blog the very best for 2014.  A very merry Christmas and happy New Year.

We are doing OK Wendy we are doing our very best!

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment”
Oprah Winfrey