Friday, 12 July 2013

Day 5- After First Chemo


I had munches like you could not believe at 4.45am brought on again by this now constant queasy feeling in my gut but nothing half a pack of ritz crackers and a banana couldn't sort out!  I have made a good start and got my juicer out this morning and you will be pleased to know made a nutritional juice of: celery, carrots, apple, ginger, yellow pepper and beetroot and its surprisingly yummy as well so going to try and keep this up as cancer cells have 30% more receptors to sugar than normal cells and you are all aware that my addiction is sugar. I want to help myself so going to try and give it up but a little bit of what you fancy still has to apply!    

Jane and Mark left to go on to the Lake District and my wonderful neighbour Janet came across to see if I was ok.  Janet is a neighbour that in this type of circumstance just is there and she is one of my best friends in Nottingham. Always there, a great support.

 I have a small dilemma in that I cannot have dental treatment under chemo and thanks to my lovely sister giving me a midget gem to suck on I chewed it instead and brought a filling out.  I am going to have to buy a filling kit and try to do it myself.  In the days following chemo you can’t have any invasive treatment due to the possible infection that could enter your body because of low WBC. (white blood count)

 It's hot isn’t it so I think just like everyone else this is my main feeling for being lethargic and having a purple face!

 The  skin on hands and feet are getting very dry to be expected and my hair is still intact but feels a bit crispy at the roots don't know if it just needs a bloody good wash or its about to start dropping but I can wash it today so will keep you posted. First whiff off it going though it’s coming off and out will come the wigs. I am the biggest control freak going so IAM IN CHARGE! My long blond Dolly Parton might be a bit much for a first outing though!  Most important thing for me today and call me a shallow mare but the glamour has to come out TODAY, sitting around on my ar*e all day with no make-up on is just a big fat NO! So today ladies the lippy is coming back out!

I forgot to mention the biggest thing yesterday. I got a call from the Dr who missed the diagnosis apologising profusely. I explained that I did not cast any blame but that I wanted to see every Dr in the practice to lob my boob out and let them examine and see how easy it is to miss but I emphasised that I wanted to come to their next practice meeting to educate them. They are discussing it today let's see what happens as I will not let this one go. It’s easy to miss and I get it but let's all learn from it.  Funny my first job was a Dr's receptionist and here I am again organising practice meetings!

Work wise I am managing the way I always do, I manage five offices so at least four of them are always remotely so it has just turned into the norm for those people to be managed by phone or video dial in so in that sense nothing has changed. It’s a challenge for people at the moment to hear my news but everyone has responded brilliantly and all my work colleagues or right behind me all the way.

The hair and the face have not been done for three days I have been au natural!  Yuk not a good look for me lol.  However, working from home or not, the face and the hair being done are me so regardless of anyone seeing me or not so long may it continue that my shallow attempts at making my-self look good stay In tact !

Love Wendy

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