Monday, 15 July 2013

Week Two - After first Chemo

Positive Mental Attitude – I dare you to define it!


So yesterday when I went to bed I started reading about the nutritional aspects of dealing with cancer and foods that would help with eliminating chemo. ( )


You probably already know I am a sugar junky and therefore this is really starting to cause me a massive dilemma as obviously you start blaming your lifestyle coupled with then linking that with what the ‘odds’ throw at you.  I am not a gambler but I am a risk taker and I have gambled my whole life on my health and totally gone with the notion of “a little bit of what you fancy does you good”. It’s one thing eating sugar and getting too fat, but another entirely if you think the grim reaper is at your door staring you in the face with the barrel of a shot gun. 


Now don’t get me wrong anyone who has sugar addiction, or any other addiction for that matter knows the stats, the overwhelming evidence of ‘this’ or ‘that’ contributing towards the slippery slope of poor health but do we do anything about it before it gets to this stage?  Well for most of us no, we attack it in fits and starts, I must do more at the Gym, I must drink less, I must eat less chocolate! I already had arthritis in my hands and that did not make me stop did it.


So the question is: Is now the time to make some fundamental lifestyle changes?  Have I just been in the lottery game and am I unlucky? Or could I have done something different?  Human nature – we beat ourselves up, we auto correct, we move forward.


Sometimes however, I am still a prize Muppet so whilst researching last night into sugar and how it affects cancer - (cancer cells have 30% more receptors so it can speed up the process of cancer cells multiplying – well I read this more than once).  I also then did the opposite and looked at foods that can add nutrition and slow down cancer cells from growing and the top food that came up was celery!


So not being one to do things by halves I promptly got myself downstairs and proceeded to eat at least 10 sticks of celery at about 11pm last night.  Now some of you may think this is comical or just downright desparate but having a positive attitude means at least trying to change, trying to get things right and in my own way this was an example of just that. Gone are the days of stuffing chocolate Brazils in my mouth or guzzling Cadbury dairy milk. I literally stuffed as many sticks as I could down my gob in about 10 minutes flat like a woman possessed.  Probably would have made the Guinness Book of Records if old Roy Castle had still been about!  Maybe he should have eaten more celery too.


Now I don’t know how many of you have ever eaten 10 sticks of celery in one go but believe me it’s a known diuretic and I swear I pee’d for the country last night in ten minute intervals and did not get a wink of sleep.  Not just a little piddle before bed as my mum use say but the sort that blokes have when they are so tanked up they cannot see and start peeing against a wall and it just won’t stop!  I think every toxic substance known to man has left my body over night; I must have lost 10lb in water alone. I was so exhausted this morning that I could have slept for a week!  So the moral of this little tale is still everything in moderation! I phoned my nurse at the cancer unit to tell her and she just pissed herself laughing and said “Wendy if Celery could get rid of cancer we would have understood it by now but it will give you a bloody good clear out”!


Defining positivity for me is just who I am.  I struggle with negativity at the best of times.  I don’t mean when we have a moan, that’s healthy.  I mean always looking for the best not the worst and when it comes to my ‘bastard’ cancer that means looking you straight between the eye mister and saying:

“I have spat little tosser’s like you out the whole of my life and my career!”




Love Wendy  x

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